Saturday, February 23, 2008

Soft Claws Nail Caps

Soft Claws Nail Caps are kitty claw nail protectors. Wow, this is a new idea to me and I’m curious because my cats are clawing up my new furniture, and I have to take action. Declawing isn’t one of them. What do you do when your cats don’t do the scratching posts, or the cardboard scratchers? It could be a great solution and an alternative to declawing.

Soft Claws Nail Caps go over your cats claws and is held on with glue. Hmm, that should be interesting to hold onto a cat and glue something to its paws! Although my cats let me rub the underneath of their paws all the time, I’m believing it will go well.

The vendor recommends dry fitting (like the do your nails at the nail salon) and making sure the soft claw fits snugly. Also applying to only the front claws reduces the potential for damage to your belongings. You can apply to the back nails if your cat scratches her or himself too much.

I did a little research and found out they were invented by a veterinarian. Both the glue and the caps are non toxic even if kitty swallows one or two. Most cats adapt quickly, it is suggested that you give your cat a nice treat after applying and the first time you might need two people.

Soft claws are not recommended for cats that go outdoors which means for me Sonic the orange kitty gets none and Bella my pretty gray kitty gets a pair or 10... I should say she’s the biggest couch offender.

I’m going to try Soft Claws Nail Caps there are several positive testimonials. Soft Claws Nail Caps come in packs of 40 which should last about 4 to 6 months.

I’ll let you know what I think of them. If you would like to join me in giving them a try you can order Soft Claws Nail Caps too through my eBay store.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Cat Clothes - Is Your Cat Out of the Closet?

Actually I knew this was coming when around Christmas time someone bought a set of cat shoes for their kitty and paid 50 bucks! I noticed more and more Designer Cat Clothes shops popping up. Ties, tees, dresses and yes, even cat wigs. Who knew?

I imagine that one would need to start training their cat to try on clothes while they wear oops were kittens. Mom can hardly get a flea collar on Bella and Sonic. I on the other hand don’t have problem, in fact I wish I had a winter coat (it is cold here).

Indulge yourself in some laughter, there’s some silly cats wearing clothes at Funny Cat Videos (type in cats wearing clothes in the search box)

If you would like to find sweaters, dresses, and assorted cat clothing or pet clothing for your pet check out Top Pet Pics eBay Auction.

My personal favorite dog shirt is “Cat the Other White Meat” just joking I love my Bella and Sonic. Well gotta go and I mean it. Brrr where’s that coat.

Kisses, Slinky

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Funny Cat Videos

Funny Cat Videos have been added to Top Pet Pics! Watch all sorts of cat videos from the silly to the bizarre. See the cutest, fluffiest, watch the ever popular "mean kitty song" cat video, and other cool cat vids.

So click over to Funny Cat Videos use the search button to find an assortment of your favorite cat videos or choose from the popular searches you will be so happy you did, and I will too!