Saturday, January 14, 2012

Tips for Winterizing Your Pet
Cold weather can be tough on outdoor pets especially when the snow or rains starts falling and the temperature starts to drop rapidly. Here are a few tips to help keep your pets more comfortable if you are unable to bring them inside. Older pets are more susceptible to weather they may have aching joints and the cold weather will aggravate the problem. Be sure to provide some sort of shelter like a dog house or a shed if you are unable to bring your pet indoors. The dog house should have a flap over the door to help insulate it and keep the cold air out. Don’t forget about your outdoor cats, they need shelter from the cold as well. While it can be more difficult to provide shelter for outdoor cats because of their nature, they can be trained. No really! If you have indoor pets they may have need of some winter clothing if they have to go outside when nature calls. They make adorable yet functional sweaters, raincoats and even boots. If you don’t have boots for your pet wipe off their paws when they come in from the outside if it has snowed this will help keep the salt off their tootsies which can chap the pads of their feet.

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